Saturday, June 6, 2009

RM60000: Education or Business?

I don't know if this a relevant question but I would like to know what do you people think about it. RM60,000 is a lot of money & you know it. But which you will prefer to go for, further study or start your own business? Give an opinion on how you see it. You can add something to.

  • For RM60000, you could go for Degree in Engineering, Paramedic Courses, MBBS & etc
  • Get the result in 4-7 years
  • Get 5-4 digit salary after you have a job (it could be "if"depends on the economics)
  • For RM60000, you could open up a Cybercafe (10 PCs or your on farm (vegetables, goat & etc)
  • get result in 1.5 - 2 years depend on your own work rate
  • Maybe get 5-4 digit income in a month (depends on the market)


  1. huh... for me.. better i open up own business.. then no need to think about exam and so on... haha...also no need to stress with the college management n ceo that selfish of their own benefit, never think about others... huh...

    alee... u want to open goat farm ekk... all da best k... =)

  2. I'd gofor a holiday--I mean biiigg time. Las vegas, Monte Carlo, Tokyo --- ooo boy...

    But thats my idea of course---you young 'yns have a lot to think and worry about. so good luck !

  3. Depends on the person interest..for me..emm..i think..i will discuss with my family first about this matter...

    Business : You must know people that are expert in that area..if not..don't dare to take the risk..good for risk taker person..

    Education : You must get your degree with flying colors..if just wasting your must be expert yourself..good for un-risk taker person...

  4. hermm...RM60,000??...
    baik la guna utk diri sendiri dan keluarga..

  5. I agree with Azhar85 & a good add also. I keep in mind.
