Friday, April 17, 2009

Friend or not....

What do people think about me? That's a nice question to be asked for the weekend. For most people, I'm not friendly at all. I wasn't good in getting along with others but it doesn't mean that I do not like them. But when I can get along with them, I will remember them. I got a friend that wasn't good with study & after secondary school went for Timbalan Setia Negeri that's a private army for the Sultan of Johor. He was a good friend of mine & still remember me.
All my so called high-class friend are missing & sometimes I will met them accidentally. I remember them from their faces but eventually they didn't. When they walk pass by me & I look back at them,remember all the things from school days. But I don't mind about it's because people have to walk different path in life to find their life true meaning, right?
I never shared knowledge with anyone but it doesn't mean I'm stingy. I share when it is useful to them because I don't want people to have impression that I'm boasting. Everything that come from others people are knowledge to me. I like to talk to older people for their experience in life as they have walk this world longer than I am.
I don't help people much unless their already tried themselves. Another thing is I'm not that good anyway. But if they already tried & I have something to offer,I will do my best.
I embrace life through death.From death I can learn to appreciate life & that's why I love a quote from a PC game called "Hellgate London" that is "Remember the Dead but Fight for the Living".
After all of that, there is still no answer.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. he is not a good friends...because he working in goverment!!!he capitalism!!..he selfish!!..

